Does anybode see Amy?

Some parents thought the title "If U Seek Amy" by Britney Spears sounds like "F-U-C-K Me" when said aloud and sung.
In a Rolling Stone magazine interview, parents were quoted as saying, "I was astonished and totally taken aback when I heard my 5 and 7 year old kids walking around the house singing 'F-U-C-K' ... When I asked them what it was, they told me it was Britney Spears. I was horrified". Rolling Stone defended Spears, arguing that parents should have been aware of the singer's musical themes.
The Parents Television Council cautioned radio stations and cable music channels about broadcasting the music video for this song for the same reason.
Due to this reaction to the music, in the US, a radio edit has been released as "If U See Amy". This edit takes out the 'k' in 'seek' and speeds up the chorus, therefore running thirteen seconds shorter than the original version. The "If U See Amy" version will only be released to US radio, with the music video and the international radio single being both "If U Seek Amy".You can listen to the new version below :